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About Us

Our Mission

The Cabarrus County Education Foundation (CCEF) began as the brainchild of Grace Mynatt and the late Roy Davis, Jr. As a retired school teacher, Grace believed that “the world our children live in demands the highest quality education we can provide.”

In sharing her vision to create an education foundation for Cabarrus County Schools, she reached out to Roy Davis. He stepped forward and donated $100,000 as the initial seed money for the foundation. He stated,

“I believe strongly in public education in Cabarrus County… My challenge to all of us who know the value of an educated mind is to support the foundation.”




The Mission

CCEF is Championing Future Leaders. 

The Cabarrus County Education Foundation (CCEF) is dedicated to molding the future workforce by cultivating vital life skills and hands-on learning opportunities, deeply connected to our thriving business community. We empower students to excel in an ever-evolving world, arming them with the necessary tools to seize every prospect that comes their way, ultimately crafting a brighter future, skill by skill. CCEF provides a wide array of impactful programs, designed to furnish Cabarrus County Schools students with indispensable life skills through immersive encounters, enabling them to surmount challenges, enhance their academic journey, and effectively prepare for their forthcoming pursuits. Through a commitment to innovation and collaboration, CCEF's endeavors foster an all-encompassing learning environment that nurtures personal development, academic excellence, and a solid foundation for lifelong achievement.

Engage with CCEF

You can engage with CCEF through our various programs and events that cultivate vital life skills by checking out our 2023-2024 Engage with CCEF booklet.


Click the picture to download our brochure.